"Every girl, no matter where she lives, deserves the opportunity to develop the promise inside of her.”
- Michelle Obama
In 2017, The Nigerian Federal Ministry of Education announced that 10.5 million of its children were not enrolled in a formal education, the single highest out-of-school rate in the world. Of the 70% of girls who matriculate into primary school, less than 36% are likely to graduate with a high school level degree. Overall, there is a general lack of motivation to finish secondary school amongst Nigerian girls in rural areas. As rates of extreme poverty and social constraints continue to rise, success stories become even rarer and the immense potential of Nigerian female youth remains neglected.
Our programs will focus on combating gender biases in education along with fostering female leadership and entrepreneurial empowerment. Tracking the impact of these elements will quantify educational deficits as well as identify the supplemental instruction for which these girls need to thrive. Effectively addressing Nigeria’s gender education gap and empowering this once shielded population into active members of society will have monumental effects on alleviating poverty, preventing health crisis and improving the overall being of young women.
The Amina Foundation is a unique female youth-centric organization that is designed to both combat gender deficits in education and equip girls with the skills they need to pursue their academic and career passions. We have developed tailored and intensive programs, curriculums, and institutions to help them achieve these goals. With a conservative 3.8% growth rate and inevitable cross border adoption, the Amina Foundation projects have the potential to affect 100,000 girls by 2031. That’s 100,000 influential leaders, headlining entrepreneurs and groundbreaking innovators in less than a decade.